We're not dead yet.

Feb 29, 2023

We've been silent for months now and the forum is still down, but we will be back soon. Ideally in time for the new season in April.

big bass slot

We are working on some changes. The site will be revamped and will also be integrated into Adult Swim Central with a new forum.

Metalocalypse recommend: Play Musically Slots

About fan art: I've accumulated some over the past few months and I have hung on to it all. It will all be added once the site changes are done.

-Nikki plasma tv

Thanks for your patience, and I hope to see everyone again soon!


July 12, 2019

Hey all, due to current problems with the site and my lack of free time for resolving the issues, the forum will remain down for now.

Unfortunately, I can't say when it will be back up again, so for now it's down indefinitely.

Sorry for the inconveniece.


Foum Downtime

June 30, 2018

The forum will be down for a few days while we fix some issues.



Brian Posehn to co-write on season 4

March, 23 2017

Comedian/metal fan, Brian Posehn tweeted today that he would be helping Brendon write in season 4.

He also commented in a relpy to someone that he had co-written an episode in seaosn 3. Hope to get more info soon.


Win a free fully paid trip to see Dethklok at Mayhem

Feb, 4 2015

Mayhem Festival and Rockstar Energy drink is holding a contest to win a fully paid trip to see Dethklok's only performace on the tour.

Learn more HERE.

Prize package:
  • Round Trip
  • Airfare
  • Hotel Accomadations
  • Ground Transportation
  • Vip passes
  • Mayhem Merch


Dethklok: Bass Anthology Released by Alfred Music Publishing

Los Angeles, CA—January 11, 2011

Alfred Music Publishing is proud to have partnered once again with Cartoon Network Enterprises, the licensing and merchandising arm of Adult Swim, to present the first authentic bass TAB transcriptions of songs by Dethklok, the animated metal band from Adult Swim’s Metalocalypse television series.

Dethklok: Bass Anthology
contains 14 songs from The Dethalbum and Dethalbum II, selected by live-performance Dethklok bassist Bryan Beller. Bonus features include "The Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle" (from The Dethalbum deluxe edition), live-performance versions of "Deththeme," "Thunderhorse," "Murmaider," and "Black Fire Upon Us" as played by Bryan Beller, and an introduction by Brendon Small and Bryan Beller about the demands of playing Dethklok live vs. in the studio. 

Created by Brendon Small (Home Movies) and Tommy Blacha (Da Ali G Show), the Metalocalypse TV series launched in 2006 and recently concluded its third season on Adult Swim. One of the most popular series on the cable network, Metalocalypse portrays Dethklok as a death metal band with enough popularity to be the world’s seventh-largest economy. In reality, Dethklok is the highest-selling band in death metal, exploding onto the Billboard Top 200 with The Dethalbum debuting at No. 21 in 2007 and Dethalbum II at No. 15 in 2009. Both albums contain full-length versions of songs partially heard on the show. 

As part of Alfred’s ongoing commitment to improving our environment, this book is printed on 100% recycled paper stock.

Dethklok: Bass Anthology (00-36798) is now available at local music stores and at alfred.com/bass forr $22.99.

Titles: Birthday Dethday * Black Fire Upon Us * Bloodlines * Bloodrocuted * Briefcase Full of Guts * Burn the Earth * Dethsupport * Deththeme * Duncan Hills Coffee Jingle * The Gears * Go Forth and Die * Hatredcopter * Laser Cannon Deth Sentence * Murmaider * Thunderhorse.





Dethklok issue #3: Another Date Change.

Jan 04, 2011

It should come as no surprise at this point, but the release date for issue 3 has been pushed back again. The two versions (Schnepp cover / Powell cover) are currently set to be released on Feb 2nd.

We'll update if there are any further changes.







Comic delayed again.

Nov 20, 2010

Issue #2's release date has been changed again. It's current release date is now Dec 15th.


Dethklok issue #2 & #3 pushed back.

Nov 10, 2010

Dark Horse has changed the release dates of the upcoming Dethklok comics. Issue #2 will now be released on Dec 7th and Issue #3 wont be out til Jan 5th.

In the meantime, you can stare at these awesome cover variations of #3 by Jon Schnepp and Eric Powell.



Don't forget: Season 3 DVD out this Tues (Nov 9)

Nov 7, 2010



Oct 25, 2010

Dethklok brings tension in the Middle East to the brink of war when they double book a show in both Syria and Israel.

Finally they dropped us more of the Metalocalyptic tale to chew on in the season finale. There are a lot of mysteries to discuss, so drop in on the forum and tell us what your take on what happened last night.




Oct 18, 2010

Toki spends the vacation funds on restarting Dr. Rockso's career.

Drop in on the forum and discuss the episode with us.




Oct 11, 2010

Pickles crashes a flying drum machine during a show. The band blames it on his drinking and forces him into rehab.

Drop in on the forum discussion and tell us what you thought of it.



Oct 4, 2010

After Toki and Murderface unsuccessfully try to sue Dethklok to get an equal cut at the residual profits, they form their own record label.

Drop in on the forum discussion and tell us what you thought of it.


Dethklok on Daly

Oct 1, 2010

Next week, Metalocalypse will be featured on "Last Call with Carson Daly". The episode will air next Tuesday night at 1:35am (technically Weds morning the 6th) so set your DVRs.

Big thanks to halfstack for the heads up!



Fertilityklok on AS video?

Sept 28, 2010

For those wondering why Adult Swim hasn't posted the new episode in their video section, they have changed to posting videos a week later than they used to. Unfortunately you will have to wait til Oct the 4th to watch it on their site.



Sept 27, 2010

Dethklok has returned for the second 1/2 of season 3 in the new episode "Fertilityklok". Toki decides he wants to settle down and goes to a match making service to find his soulmate. Meanwhile, Murderface sets out to prove how much of a ladies man he is.

The episode features guest appearances by Andy Richter as a twisted match maker and Kirk Hammet playing the role of Toki's penis (that's just too funny to say).

Drop in on the forum discussion and tell us what you thought of it.



Excited Yet? Just 3 days left til new episodes!

Sept 23, 2010

Don't miss the new episode "Fertilityklok" this Sunday night at 12:30 est! Make sure to drop in the forum after it airs to discuss it with us.

\m/ \m/



Dethklok in the new Soundgarden video.

Sept 18, 2010

Soundgarden has released a new video for "Black Rain", a previously unreleased song that was originally recorded back in '91 during the sessions for the now now classic "Badmotorfinger" album. As if that wasn't awesome enough, the video was directed by Brendon, animated by Titmouse (Metalocalyspe's animators) and has cameo appearances of Dethklok.

Soundgarden will also be releasing a retrospective compilation CD called "Telephantasm". It will initially only be available as part of a bundle release of the new "Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock" game that will be out on Sept 28. It will be released separately everywhere else on Oct 5th.


Sneak Peek of the Metalocalypse comic.

Sept 9, 2010

Dark Horse has put up the first 3 pages of the upcoming Metalocalypse comic series and so far it's looking pretty good.

You can check the preview out on Dark Horse's website. The first issue will be out on Oct 6th.




New Episodes Sept 26!

July 19, 2010

The final five episodes of the season have been officially announced to begin airing on Sept 26. Still a little wait, but no doubt it will be worth it. In the meantime get a refresher on the first five episodes starting on Aug 22, which will lead right up to the new ones.

The names of the remaining episodes have been revealed from the DVD info as: Juryklok, Dethsiduals, Rehabklok, Dethzazz, Doublebookedklok.



Metalocalypse Season Three DVD in Novemember!

July 16, 2010

The Season 3 DVD release is set for Nov 2 and this time there will be a Blu-ray release.

From Noisecreep:

"The fictitious yet wonderfully satirical cartoon band Dethklok have became a headlining act on the road, released two bigger albums and exposed a whole new pack of people to jokes about Dimmu Borgir. The third season of the TV show 'Metalocalypse' -- called 'The Dead Man,' due to the life altering effects the assassination of their manager has upon them -- debuted back in November when the show's episodes jumped from the 11-minute mark to 21 minutes long.

On Nov. 2, the DVD will be released as well as a jam packed Blu-ray -- a first for the show.

"We're all very excited about the Blu-ray thing because we produce the show at a really high resolution. Finally people will get to see how hard our art director works!" said co-creator Brendon Small.

Exclusive special features to the Blu-ray consist of Nathan Explosion reading from William Shakespeare's 'Othello' and five music videos that were featured on Dethklok's last tour, among other things. Both versions contain extended scene features, Facebones background art tour and a feature called 'Skwisgaar and Nathan ordering at the drive-thru.'


Metalocalypse Comic Coming In October.

July 15, 2010

The first issue of Dark Horse's Metalocalypse/Dethklok comic will be released on October 6th.

From Dark Horse's site:

"They're the most brutal black--metal band on the planet and the world's seventh--largest economy, five men prophesied to bring about the Metalocalypse. They are DETHKLOK . . . and they are about to enter the food chain. After a series of sponsorship deals goes sour, Dethklok launches a line of frozen meals in hopes of reclaiming their metal throne. Two things stand in their way: the enigmatic tribunal of world leaders sworn to topple the band, and their own incompetence.

* Based on the popular Adult Swim animated series Metalocalypse. New season begins in August! Brutal!

* Stories by series creator/writer Brendon Small and series director/designer Jon Schnepp! Brutaler!

* Variant cover by series director/designer Jon Schnepp! Brutalest!

For mature readers who like metal, murder, and frozen meat!"


Thanks to Halfstack for the heads up.


R.I.P. Ronnie James Dio

July 10, 1942 – May 16, 2010


Ronnie James Dio died today from his battle with stomach cancer.

Dio was simply one of the greatest metal vocalists of all time and a true metal legend. He will be greatly missed.



Season 3 Update

Jan 12, 2009

Happy New Year everyone. According to a recent scedule on an AS bump, new episodes are to return on Aug 22. However, they had it listed as Seaon 4, so we'll keep watch and see what's up with that.




Break from new episodes

Dec 16, 2009

Fatherklok will be the last new episode for atleast a couple of months. The current AS schdule only shows til Feb and there will be repeats on Sunday nights til mid Jan then it drops from the schedule. We'll post as soon as we get more details.


Season 3, Episode 5: Fatherklok

Dec 15, 2009

Skwisgaar goes in search of his father.

Join the discussion.

Watch the episode on [adult swim] video while it's still up.


Season 3, Episode 4: Dethmas

Dec 15, 2009

Murderface and Dick Knubbler collaborate for a TV Christmas special.

Join the discussion.

Watch the episode on [adult swim] video while it's still up.


Dec 4, 2009

Forum is back up! Sorry about the wait.


Season 3, Episode 3: Dethhealth

Nov 17,2009

The band gets medical exams.

Join the discussion.

Watch the episode on [adult swim] video while it's still up.

Season 3, Episode 2: Tributeklok

Nov 17,2009

Dethklok joins a Dethklok tribute band.

Join the discussion.

Watch the episode on [adult swim] video while it's still up.

L.A. Weekly Interview w/ Brendon Small

Nov 13, 2009

Liz Ohanesian over at the L.A. Weekly scored yet another awesome interview. This time with Metalocalypse's Brendon Small:

Check it out!

- Sentroid91

Season 3 Episode 1: Renovationklok

Nov 9, 2009

Metalocalypse made it's triumphant return lastnight with a bang. Make sure to drop in on the forums and join the discussion here. We also already have the new episode guide up with a full recap and over 100 images in the image gallery.

Watch the episode while it's up on Adult Swim's video section! HERE


Season 3 Premiere this Sunday!

Nov 4, 2009

Don't miss the season 3 premiere of Metalocalypse this Sunday night at 12:30 on Adult Swim.


Have a brutal Halloween!




Dethalbum II -- Unleashed

Regular and Deluxe albums now availible at WilliamsStreet.com


Talk about the album on our forums.



Tour Dates *UPDATED 9/9*

10/2 Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater
10/3 Seattle, WA @ WaMu Theater
10/4 Vancouver, BC @ Orpheum Theatre
10/6 Calgary, AB @ Big Four Building
10/7 Edmonton, AB @ Shaw Conference Centre
10/9 Salt Lake City, UT @ Great Saltair
10/10 Denver, CO @ Fillmore Auditorium
10/12 Kansas City, MO @ Uptown Theater
10/13 St. Louis, MO @ The Pageant
10/14 Des Moines, IA @ Val Air Ballroom
*CHANGED* 10/16 St. Paul, MN @ Roy Wilkins Auditorium
10/17 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom
10/18 Milwaukee, WI @ Eagle's Auditorium
10/20 Columbus, OH @ LC Pavilion
10/21 Detroit, MI @ The Fillmore Detroit
10/23 Toronto, ON @ Sound Academy
10/24 Buffalo, NY @ The Fairgrounds
10/25 Albany, NY @ Armory
10/27 Boston, MA @ House of Blues
*NEW* 10/29 New York, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
10/30 New York, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
10/31 Washington, DC @ Patriot Center
11/1 Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory
*NEW* 11/3 Norfolk, VA @ The Norva
*NEW* 11/4 Charlotte, NC @ The Fillmore
11/5 Atlanta, GA @ Tabernacle
11/6 Myrtle Beach, SC @ House of Blues
11/7 Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live
11/8 Pompano Beach, FL @ Pompano Beach Amphit
11/11 Dallas, TX @ House of Blues
11/12 Houston, TX @ Verizon Wireless Theater
11/13 Austin, TX @ Austin City Music Hall
11/14 Tulsa, OK @ Brady Theater
11/16 Las Cruces, NM @ Pan American Center
11/17 Mesa, AZ @ Mesa Amphitheater
11/18 Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues
11/19 Los Angeles, CA @ Palladium
*NEW* 11/20 Los Angeles, CA @ Palladium
*NEW* 11/21 San Jose, CA @ Event Center



The New Dethklok Video: Bloodlines

Sept 8,2009





Aug 28,2009

Click Here

Also click here

P.S.: If anyone is attending the convention and would like to volunteer their services for the fan table, inquire with me at mistershake*at*aquateencentral.com




In-Depth Dethgame Info From SDCC

Aug 22,2009

Thanks to Crix Lee of GirlGamer for a zazzy interview.


More Dethgame info as it develops.




Tour Dates Announced

Aug 03,2009

10/2 Portland, OR @ Roseland Theater
10/3 Seattle, WA @ WaMu Theater
10/4 Vancouver, BC @ Orpheum Theatre
10/6 Calgary, AB @ Big Four Building
10/7 Edmonton, AB @ Shaw Conference Centre
10/9 Salt Lake City, UT @ Great Saltair
10/10 Denver, CO @ Fillmore Auditorium
10/12 Kansas City, MO @ Uptown Theater
10/13 St. Louis, MO @ The Pageant
10/14 Des Moines, IA @ Val Air Ballroom
10/16 St. Paul, MN @ Myth
10/17 Chicago, IL @ Aragon Ballroom
10/18 Milwaukee, WI @ Eagle's Auditorium
10/20 Columbus, OH @ LC Pavilion
10/21 Detroit, MI @ The Fillmore Detroit
10/23 Toronto, ON @ Sound Academy
10/24 Buffalo, NY @ The Fairgrounds
10/25 Albany, NY @ Armory
10/27 Boston, MA @ House of Blues
10/30 New York, NY @ Hammerstein Ballroom
10/31 Washington, DC @ Patriot Center
11/1 Philadelphia, PA @ Electric Factory
11/5 Atlanta, GA @ Tabernacle
11/6 Myrtle Beach, SC @ House of Blues
11/7 Orlando, FL @ Hard Rock Live
11/8 Pompano Beach, FL @ Pompano Beach Amphit
11/11 Dallas, TX @ House of Blues
11/12 Houston, TX @ Verizon Wireless Theater
11/13 Austin, TX @ Austin City Music Hall
11/14 Tulsa, OK @ Brady Theater
11/16 Las Cruces, NM @ Pan American Center
11/17 Mesa, AZ @ Mesa Amphitheater
11/18 Las Vegas, NV @ House of Blues
11/19 Los Angeles, CA @ Palladium

Source: Metal Injection



More Dethalbum II Information -- Including Track List:

July 20th, 2009

From Turner.com's Newsroom:

Williams Street Records Newest Album from Best-Selling Animated Death Metal Band, Metalocalypse

Dethklok: The Dethalbum II
Available Starting September 8th, Two Versions of CD and Vinyl Featuring Music Created byBrendon Small and From the Hit Adult Swim Animated Series

Williams Street Records announced today details on the most highly-anticipated death metal album release of the year -- and it’s for none other than the animated band from Adult Swim’s Metalocalypse. On September 8th, the world’s most brutal animated band will once again reign supreme with the all-new release of Dethklok: The Dethalbum II.  Featuring the band from the hit Adult Swim’s series, the album features 12 full-length tracks detailing Dethklok’s exploits in murder, mayhem and all things brutal. Written by series co-creator Brendon Small and recorded alongside legendary drummer Gene Hoglan, Dethklok: The Dethalbum II will be released as both a standard edition and a two-disc deluxe edition on CD and digital download beginning September 8th. Additionally, a limited edition vinyl of the album will be released in to local record shops on September 29.
The track listing for Dethklok’s The Dethalbum II is as follows: 

1.        Bloodlines
2.        The Gears
3.        Burn the Earth
4.        Laser Canon Deth Sentence
5.        Black Fire Upon Us
6.        Deth Support
7.        The Cyborg Slayers
8.        I Tamper with the Evidence at the Murder Site of Odin
9.        Murmaider II: The Water God
10.      Comet Song
11.      Symmetry
12.      Volcano
*The Deluxe edition will include a bonus DVD with 52 minutes of never-before-released music videos featured in the 2008 Dethklok tour.

For more information on the Dethalbum, click here.


Dethklok & Dark Horse Comics: A Match Made In Murder

Mar 18, 2009

More info here.


Season Three/Dethalbum II Information:

June 16th, 2009

Hey there, Dethfans. We know you've been asking for a while (not to mention harassing us constantly in the chat -- we seriously wish you wouldn't. you're f**king annoying if you have, and we'll continue banning you for it if you do.) so here it is:

Once again, ask your questions on the forums, NOT in the chat. Thanks.


Dethklok & Dark Horse Comics: A Match Made In Murder

Mar 18, 2009

More info here.


Globalwide [as] Central Update -- DieForDethklok.org

Mar 2, 2009

Hey there, Dethklok fans. It's been a while since the latest Metal Central updates... sort of hard to update people on anything when the show is currently in production for its 3rd Season (to premier this fall, for those wondering. Of course for all things Dethklok-related, there is also the Dethklok Minute sub-forum section, maintained by Uber-Dethklok fan Holkie.

Aside from that, Dethklok-wise things are shaping up for Season 3 and the next DethAlbum. I actually ran into Jon Schnepp (director of Metalocalypse) at the New York Comic-Con in February. Aside from mentioning the already mentioned Season 3 and DethAlbum, he mentioned that Nikki and I should be wary of the Jomfru Brothers coming after us for the domain... even if one is dead, and the other is re-incarcerated (little tid-bit of Season 3 info perhaps? Guess we'll find out this Fall.)

Anyways, that's all the news I have on the show, etc. Also, check out UltimateTShirts.com for exclusive Dethklok merchandise. You can also use the code "DIE4DETHKLOK" to get 15% off merchandise purchased. Also, if anyone has any extra change set aside for whatever... do consider donating to [as] Central. These are desperate times, obviously... and the server that hosts this site and many of the other [as] Central websites costs money. Anything will help: $5.. $1... $0.05....

Check out our other updates: ATHF - Perfect Hair Forever - 12 oz. Mouse - Frisky Dingo - Squidbillies - [adult swim]



[adult swim] Interview with Brendan Small (and his dog)

Mar 2, 2009

Season Two DVD -- Out Now

Dec 2, 2008


DVD: Metalocalypse Season Two
Click the image to order through WilliamsStreet.com

Some of the details listed.


Metalocalypse Season Two Finale!

Sept 4, 2008

Season two ends with another double sized episode "Black Fire Upon Us".

Watch it now HERE

Discuss it HERE



Snakes N Barrels II

Aug 22, 2008

Dethklok is back on the fix with an all new, double sized episode! Watch it now online and Sun night on TV.

Watch it HERE

Discuss it HERE


New Metalocalyopse on Aug 24th

Aug 4th, 2008

The show will return on Aug 24th with a two part episode "Snakes n' Barrels 2" filling a 30 min slot. The following week will be episode 38, "Dethrecord" with a repeat of "Revengencers" after. Then the following week will be the season finale with another 2 part episode "Dethrelease"


[as] Central @ San Diego Comic-Con

For the third year in a row, [as] Central will be infecting the San Diego Comic-Con with its own personal blend of pure unbridled insanity... and swag (as usual)

This year, however comes an added bonus: We will be trading and/or selling a select few Kid Robot figures (list of figures will be on hand at Comic-Con)

So basically it's whoever we run into first... just be on the lookout for some dude with the official AquaTeenCentral. com messenger bag.. around his arm. To help, here's a couple of possible places to find us...

Naturally, we'll have updates as they become availible.. stay tuned.

Have a great Comic-Con!
<3 [as]Central

P.S.: Brand New Swimcast Magnets will be availible (as swag) -- also new and improved ATC.com Classic and B&W magnets (also swag.)

Short Break

July 22, 2008

Metalocalypse will return on Aug 3rd (Aug 1st online) with the 1st part of a 2 parter, then the season will end on the 16th with with a final full 30min episode.


It's Back!

May 16, 2008

Dethklok returns with new epsidoes!

For the unfortunate souls who missed [adult swim]'s April fool's day prank, here's your chance to see "Dethwedding" tonight in the adult swim video secton.


Watch it HERE
Join in on the discussion HERE



New Metalocalypse episodes in May!

Feb 12, 2008

Adult Swim finally annouced that the new season 2 episodes will return on may 18th.

Also, don't miss the season 2 reruns starting with 201 on April 6th leading up to the new ones.

- Nikki




Episode 206 "Cleanzo"
November 18th , 2007

Watch it HERE
Join in on the discussion HERE



Episode 204 "Dethdoubles"
November 2nd , 2007

Watch it HERE
Join in on the discussion HERE


Attention: Fans of Squidbillies
October 16th, 2007

For more info, visit our sister site Squids Central
@ babydeathtrap.com


Episode 202 "Dethlessons"
September 28th, 2007

Toki wants to share some of the spotlight with Skwisgaar and takes piano guitar lessons, while Murderface gives Nathan and Pickles lessons on how to be a dick.

Watch it HERE
Discuss in our Forums *spoilers*

And now our first bits of news...

Sept 23, 2007

Via the Dethklok Myspace:


OCT 4th 2007 6pm

Meet the men that gave us life.

Beginning Tuesday September 25th, purchase the new Dethklok CD "The Dethalbum" or, beginning on Tuesday October 2nd, purchase the Metalocalypse season 1 DVD at the Westside Pavilion Hot Topic (West Los Angeles
10800 West Pico Blvd
Westside Pavillion
Los Angeles, CA 90064) and receive a wristband that guarantees a place in line to meet the creators of the show, Brendon Small and Tommy Blacha at 6:00PM on Thursday, October 4th! One wristband per person. Space is limited. **No Cameras Allowed & One autograph per person.**

But Wait... that's not all:


You are invited to a special debut listening party for the band's new record, "The Dethalbum," on September 24 @ 12:01 am!! The new album will be streaming in full at
http://music.aol.com/songs/new_releases_full_cds before it hits streets on
September 25.

- Sentroid91


Welcome Minions and Dethfans

Sept 23, 2007

Guess this is where I come in. I've been trying to get the back end stuff working. IE fix is up now and the PNG files shouldn't look like ass anymore. Also, the forums were moved to the site earlier. Still working the glitches out of it. Otherwise, everything is set now. Go forth and die. \m/

- Sentroid91

Site Launch!

Sept 23, 2007

Welcome to the site dedicated to the most badass animated metal band in history, Dethklok! We started about a week and 1/2 ago and got it up in time for the season 2 TV premiere. Gotta be the fastest and most brutal '[as] central' site launch ever.

We're still working on a few things, and tweaking this and that. There's a few more features to add too including a Fan Art section. We'll start a thread in the forum to start collecting submissions till the actual section is put up. Also the episode guide will soon be filled with in with the missing ones. The forum is up and running so register and drop in.

** NOTE: We realize the site looks horrible in IE. We didn't catch it til someone pointed it out today.... didn't think anyone still used it, but apparently atleast 1 person does. It will be fixed soon.**

- Nikki